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Gitga’at Nation Community Hall

Client Name
Gitga’at Nation
Hartley Bay, BC

Project Summary

Scouten Engineering was contracted by the Gitga’at Nation to assess structural damage to their community hall, prepare drawings of the existing structure, and report on the extent of the damage and how best to carry out repairs. With the assistance of a building envelope specialist, construction was completed by October 2019.

Project Description

The Gitga’at Nation, a Tsimshian tribal group has cared for the lands on British Columbia’s west coast surrounding Prince Rupert, Txatgiu (Hartley Bay) Ky’el, and several coastal islands for millennia. Within the traditional territory the community hall located in Hartley Bay had suffered water damage over the years. A report issued by the consulting group, McElhanney, stated there was a large amount of rot found throughout the structural members of the building and recommended a full structural assessment be performed on the building.

Robin Fenn Consulting, known for their work in first nation’s relations, engaged Scouten Engineering to visit Hartley Bay to perform the recommended structural assessment. After an opportunity to fly through the gorgeous coastal mountains, our engineers arrived on-site and spent the next couple days removing interior finishes and examining the damaged structural components. Upon returning to the office our technologists prepared detailed drawings of the existing structure outlining the extent of the reported water damage and how to best carry out the repairs.

With the help of a building envelope specialist, construction of the repairs was underway and completed by October 2019. The people of the Gitga’at Nation are back to using their community hall for educational and recreational purposes without the worry of structural damages.

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